End of the Road
So I was thinking the other day about this neglected little blog, wondering why I didn't feel the need to post to it. Then it hit me: this blog has basically been my sounding board for when the stress of my last job got to be too much to keep pent up. Since switching jobs, I've been....well, happy. Sure, it's a job, and every job has the inevitable frustrations you come to expect, but things are different at this company. I've actually been able to quit taking my blood pressure medication, and my life is dramatically different. How different, you ask? Well, this time last year I would come home around 7pm, walk in the door, cast off my coat and other detrius and crash on the couch in front of the tv. I would be too drained to cook anything, so supper would be some frozen food-like substance or some overpriced meal at at soul-dead chain restaurant. After supper, it would be about 10:30 or 11:00, so off to bed I'd go. I couldn't sleep; I'd doze for about 20 minutes at a time. The next morning I couldn't drag myself out of bed before 7:30. I'd drag my sorry carcass into the office around 9:00am and the fun would begin. Rinse, repeat.
Compare that to nowadays: I'll wake up around 7-ish, get to the office around 8:30. Eat lunch at my desk, leave at 4:30, home by 5:30. I'll try to take a walk around the neighborhood, then relax at home for a little bit. After that, I've still got the energy to do housework and cook a decent meal. I still can't sleep, but that's mostly because my neighbors like their stereo a little too much. Other than that, things are better. Things are much, much better.
So I guess what I'm saying is that this blog seems to have outlived its usefulness. I'll probably start another blog, just with a different focus this time. Adios.