This is Not Gloating. Nope, No Gloating Here.
Wow, has it really been two weeks since the last post? Why, that's just enough time for.....a two weeks' notice! I'm writing this from my new desk, in my new office. Yep, it's an office with a file cabinet, book shelf, desk, white board and a DOOR! I've been entertaining my new coworkers with tales from the Dark Side old job.
By the way, the coffee's great.
Escape from Crazy Town
I'm Free. My shackles are no more, and I can will my feet to take me to new places, my ears to hear music, and my eyes to see the sunshine of a free world. I. Am. Free.
Quite a few things have been going on, and I haven't written about them because of the childish notion that speaking/writing about them would undo all that was done. (Ever get that feeling? That if you name something it'll evaporate like last night's dreams?) Last week, I received not one, but two job offers. What that represented to me was an opportunity to break away from the job that has all but ruined my mind and self-esteem. (Well, that, and a shot at a lot more money!) So now I've accepted one of the offers and turned in my two-week notice, and am dealing with a generous smorgasbord of emotion. I don't think I'm quite ready to put all this into words, so I'll stop now. Well, at least until I've had my coffee.
Layoff Update.....The Saga Continues.....
The contract has been extended yet again to Jan. 31, 2006. So I won't be using my unemployment check to pay for Christmas gifts, after all. (Socks for everyone!)
This is some lame crap. I mean, I'm glad not to get laid off just yet, but this job is like the bad relationship that won't end with a clean break. You know, the situation where breaking up takes wa-a-a-ay too long and you don't really know if you are really "dating" dating, or just friends, or maybe friends with benefits, or if you even want to date, because the concept of dating is kind of outmoded, like who goes out on a formal date anymore, and who gets to set the boundaries of what "dating" means, anyway? And I'm not giving the ring back, dammit! I don't care how much you can get for it down at the pawnshop, we both know that money will go straight to pot and beer! And don't even think of giving it to that new skank of yours, you insensitive prick!
....So it's kinda like that.